Friday, February 3, 2012

Hungry hungry juncos

So far, there have been about a dozen dark-eyed "slate colored" juncos at my feeders, and one tufted titmouse made a brief appearance. This winter really hasn't been too bad, so birds probably aren't as desperate for food as they should be any other February. Although I love all birds, it gets boring watching juncos fight over whos turn it is to pick at the dropped seed around the feeders. Makes for great photo opps though!

Dark-eyed "slate colored" junco at one of my feeders

Dark-eyed "slate colored" junco at one of my feeders

a junco keeping warm while he lets lunch settle

juncos preffer taking food on the ground, this one is searching my landscaping

I took lunch at the Tannery Dam on Thursday, February 2. I saw a couple dozen mallards, a lone canada goose, some american crows, a red-tailed hawk, and I heard a belted-kingfisher. A few crows got pretty close to my truck, allowing for a few pictures. If you are an outdoorsman, you know that the crow is a flighty bird, and doesn't care to be around people too much. But this small group seemed comfortable with me snapping a few photos as they searched for food through the grass of the Tannery.

American Crow at the Tannery Dam

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