Male house finch
Male house finch
Male and female house finch
Male house finch
Male house finch
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Turkey Vultures
Female Red-Breasted Mergansers
I counted over 200 ring-necked ducks today, with some wigeon, lesser scaup, horned grebes, and buffleheads mixed in.
Ring-necked ducks, American Wigeon, and Bufflehead
American Wigeon
Horned Grebe
Horned Grebe
I was passing through on the causeway when a male wood duck caught my eye, so I parked the jeep and went back with my camera. When I got to where the wood duck was, I noticed that there was a female with him. He was in the open, and she was behind some cattails that I was using for cover.
Wood Ducks
I was hoping that they would both give me a clear photo opp, but they took off before she cleared the cattails. Flight pictures are pretty cool, so I followed them in my view finder, focused, and right when I took the photo, I caught a piece of a Maybe next time!
Wood Ducks
Great Blue Heron
Things were pretty slow at the Anderson Creek end of the reservoir, but I did see this canda goose doing its' best to play hide and seek with me. The goose stayed like this with its' head down untill I left and was going down the road.
Canada Goose
I stopped at the Great Blue Heron colony to see if anything had changed. Still no herons, and there was a Bald Eagle on the nest. The bird was tending the nest for about ten minutes, then settled in. It looks like I won't be getting any pictures of baby blue herons this year, but the possibility of getting some shots at some eaglets looks pretty good!!
Bald Eagle
I stopped by Kyle Lake to see if there was anything good. NOPE! Just some tree swallows. But I can't complain, that's a new tick for me.
Tree Swallows
It was nice to finally get outside for a little while. It made for a good day in the field, untill I came home to a group of European Starlings at my feeders...
European Starling
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