Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Another look at Wagner Road's RLHA and the last bird for 2012

Late yesterday morning I recieved a text stating that Rough-legged hawks perch higher in trees, reffering to the picture that I took of the hawk on December 28th. I began to question myself on the I.D. of the bird. Knowing that it would drive me nuts if I didn't, I grabbed my camera bag and went back to Wagner road to try and get a second look at the bird. I found the bird right away very near where I saw it the other day. It was about 250 yards off of the road, quiet a snipe for a 55-300mm. Luckily, the bird flew ito the same tree that I photographed it before. Even though the bird was still about one hundred yards away, you can see in the photo that the bird has a white undertail with dark bands and a black terminal band. Telling me that this bird, assuming that it is the same bird that I saw on the 28th, is a rough-legged hawk.
Rough-legged Hawk

Rough-legged Hawk
I actually had to wait for about ten minutes for the RLHA to either fly closer to provide better veiws, or just fly in general so I could get looks at the upper and under wing patterns. While waiting, there were countless crows, mourning doves, and songbirds flying over and foraging along side the roads.
American Crow
This savannah sparrow was haning out around my jeep for quite some time, keeping me distracted from the RLHA.
Savannah Sparrow
My girlfriend was coming to State College for New Year's Eve, so I had to hurry up and get back to my place to cook dinner. When I got home, I heard a chip in a tree outside of my appartment. My last bird of 2012 was..........
A Male House Finch

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