I would have to say, that the DuBois Reservoir, aside from Hawk Mountain and the Pymatuning Reservoir, is my favorite place to go birding. It's a great place to watch the waterfowl and waterbird migrations during the spring and fall. And during the summer, you can usually pick up a good number of song bird species. Around this time of year, you will see great numbers of ring-necked ducks, and a few other divers. I have been consistently seeing a good raft of divers every time I make it out for the past week or two, usually containing at least 100 ring-necked ducks and several other species of divers. Today, I saw over a dozen buffleheads, maybe a dozen hooded mergansers, an american black duck, a common merganser, a good number of canada geese, with an immature snow goose tagging along, a pied-billed grebe, and a few mallards along with the ring-necked ducks. When these birds are on the water, it can be difficult to get any good shots of them before they take off. But there isn't anything bad about an action shot...

Female buffleheads taking off
Two Male and two female buffleheads
There IS however something bad about overexposed out-of-focus action shots.....(prime examples right here)
Photography, wildlife photography especially, can be one of the absolute most dissapointing and frustrating hobbies that in all honesty can drive me insane, but sometimes when the planets align and somehow you accidently get that "perfect shot" out of pure luck, it makes the frustration completely worth it. I just really wish that happened more often, but it's nice to get outside.
Mallards, male trailing female
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